The Official Website of the Philippine National
Police Academy Alumni Association, Inc.
The Official Website of the Philippine National
Police Academy Alumni Association, Inc.
June 25, 2022
The meeting started with an invocation followed by the introduction of attendees by PCOL CHRISTOPHER C BIRUNG for PNPA and PCOL DOMINIC T BEDIA for PNPAAAI; Call to Order by the Presiding Officer, PMGEN GILBERTO DC CRUZ (Ret); welcome remarks by PBGEN JACK L WANKY; and briefing presentation of the agenda.
The open forum was facilitated by PBGEN PETER N NABOYE (Ret) followed by the message of the Chairman, PNPAAAI. The meeting focused on the discussion on how the PNPAAAI and PNPA can work together to help the Academy on its pursuit of excellence in producing better leaders and officers for the Tri-bureaus.